Consent Form

This data collection activity is part of Lorraine Sherry's dissertation: Diffusion of the Internet within the UCD School of Education. The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that affect Internet use among members of the UCD School of Education. The potential benefits are to enable the School to decide which types of support are most appropriate for new and continuing Internet users.

All data will be gathered during the spring 1998 term.

Questionnaires for the members of the 1997 Advanced Quantitative Methods seminar will be filled out and returned via mail at their convenience.

Interviews with faculty, staff, and students will last about an hour.

The focus group with the School Psychology cohort will last about an hour and a half.

Regarding foreseeable risks: In the focus group, several participants will be engaged in a group discussion. Responses of one participant may influence the opinions and responses of other participants. There is no way to control for unanticipated responses, nor for the information that participants may carry out of the group once the activity is finished.

Participation is voluntary. Refusal to participate or withdrawal from the study will present no penalty or loss of benefits to the subject.

Confidentiality will be protected by replacing real names with coding numbers. If any quotations or short snippets are included from interview transcripts, pseudonyms will be used. Interview transcripts will be shown to all interviewed subjects.

Subjects may ask the principal investigator (Lorraine Sherry) any questions about this research study at their convenience, either by phone (825-3636) or via e-mail ( or in person.

Subjects may contact the Office of Academic Affairs, CU Denver Building Suite 700, 556-2550, with questions about their rights as a research subject.

Subjects will be given a copy of the consent form to keep.



Signature of subject or subject's legal representative


